What is Feynlab?

Feynlab is a automotive protection company that specializes in various coatings and maintenance products for automotive, marine and aerospace.  The back bone chemistry to Feynlab has been in production for nearly 20 years, with real world results.

Where is it made?

Feynlab is manufactured in Lombard Illinois, near Chicago.  The facility uses American made raw ingredients and reactive chemistry to create the most durable, shiny and longest lasting coatings on the market.  The process is controlled from start to finish, with many of the products protected by patents, that’s how serious they are about what they make.

How do I become an installer?

Please fill out our contact us form

How do I get my own vehicle done?

Go to the Get a Free Quote tab in the Contact Us Section and fill out the form.

What kind of warranty is available?

Feynlab offers 1-7 year warranties depending on the coating.  These can only be offered through our Authorized Installers located under the locations tab.

How do I care for my Feynlab coated car?

That’s pretty simple, we have a host of different maintenance products to help keep you vehicle clean and shiny.  Those are listed under the Shop section on the website.